In your Grow Therapy provider portal, you can specify your availability, allowing current and potential clients to book appointments that fit well with your workflow and schedule. Managing your availability includes preferences such as:
General or varied availability, such as your preferred working days and hours
In-person and virtual visit availability
Appointment lengths by session type, such as initial versus follow-up
Start time increments, such as every 15, 30, or 60 minutes
Any appointments on your calendar will block those times from appearing available to other clients to prevent double booking.
Establish working hours
To establish your working hours:
Select Appointments from the sidebar navigation.
Select Manage availability from the top right. Both List view and Calendar view will work.
From the "Manage availability" menu, locate the "Working hours" section.
Toggle each day of the week you'd like to open your schedule to 'on.' Select the start and end times of each day. Your calendar preview will reflect the changes as you work.
If you're available for mixed appointment locations (in-person and virtual), ensure you select the subsequent checkboxes beneath each day.
Note: If you do not accept in-person clients according to your Profile - Basic Information settings, the "In Person" and "Virtual" checkboxes won't appear.
Update appointment details
To update the details of appointments booked on your schedule, such as the default appointment length and your starting time increments:
Select Appointments from the sidebar navigation.
Select Manage availability.
Locate the "Appointment Details" section. From here, you can make the following changes:
Initial Length: This is the default duration of your first appointment with a client.
Follow-Up Length: This is the default duration of all appointments with your client after their first appointment, sometimes referred to as an intake.
Start Time Increments: This is the cadence at which appointments will be available on your schedule. This increment, combined with your overall hours of availability, determines the number of appointment slots your clients can choose from in a given working day. More details below.
Update the desired appointment detail settings. Select Save & close or Save & preview.
Start time increments
Start time increments, combined with your overall hours of availability, determines the number of appointment slots your clients can choose from in a given working day. For example:
If you choose a start time of 60 minutes (on the hour), have 45-minute intake slots, and have availability from 3 PM to 5 PM, then clients will only see 3 PM and 4 PM as appointment options.
If you choose 30 minutes (the default), have 45-minute intake slots, and have availability from 3 PM to 5 PM, then clients will only see 3 PM, 3:30 PM, and 4 PM as appointment options.
If you choose 15 minutes (quarterly), have 45-minute intake slots, and have availability from 3 PM to 5 PM, then clients will see 3 PM, 3:15 PM, 3:30 PM, 3:45 PM, 4 PM, and 4:15 PM as appointment options.