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Use client notes as a therapist
Use client notes as a therapist

Learn how to add notes to client charts as a therapist.

Updated over a month ago

Notes allow you to quickly and easily update client charts with information concerning your client's treatment from initial assessment until discharge.

ⓘ If you need documentation support, explore the Clinical Resources section in the Grow Community. The Clinical Excellence team offers an extensive library of materials to assist you in maintaining high-quality documentation in your practice.

Note types

Initial Assessment: A structured note designed for a client’s first visit. It includes pre-filled information from the initial paperwork and a treatment plan template that meets documentation requirements.

  • You must select an appointment to create this note type.

  • If your client has previously completed Grow Therapy intake forms, the information they provided will transfer from those intake forms to the relevant section(s) in this note. Check out this guide to enable, disable, or manage your intake form settings.

  • To save an initial assessment note, you must provide all required fields and declare that any future treatment is medically necessary and that all of the information in the note is accurate.

  • After saving, there are "Submit the invoice" or "Submit later" options. If you submit the invoice, the note will be added to the client's chart, and an invoice will go to the Grow Therapy billing team for processing. Meanwhile, if you choose the "Submit later" option, only the note will be added to your client's chart.

Progress (AI Summarization enabled): A structured note streamlining essential documentation details by utilizing checkboxes and drop-downs in many required fields.

  • You need to select an appointment to create this note type.

  • This is the only note type compatible with Grow's AI Summarization features.

  • To save a progress note, you must provide all required fields and declare that any future treatment is medically necessary and that all of the information in the note is accurate.

  • After saving, there are "Submit the invoice" or "Submit later" options. If you submit the invoice, the note will be added to the client's chart, and an invoice will go to the Grow Therapy billing team for processing. Meanwhile, if you choose the "Submit later" option, only the note will be added to your client's chart.

SOAP: This note includes text boxes for subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (SOAP) details, plus additional fields to capture standard documentation requirements.

  • You need to select an appointment to create this note type.

  • To save an initial assessment note, you must provide all required fields and declare that any future treatment is medically necessary and that all of the information in the note is accurate.

  • After saving, there are "Submit the invoice" or "Submit later" options. If you submit the invoice, the note will be added to the client's chart, and an invoice will go to the Grow Therapy billing team for processing. Meanwhile, if you choose the "Submit later" option, only the note will be added to your client's chart.

Chart (non-billable): Use this note type to add information that does not fit the other note types. The contents of a chart note are appended to the timeline on a client's chart. Learn more about chart notes here.

  • You do not need to select an appointment for this note.

  • Document non-billable services (e.g., care coordination or collaboration, reporting child/elder abuse or neglect) in this note to ensure all client interactions are captured.

Discharge Summary (non-billable): This note is used to summarize a client’s treatment and progress when an episode of care has been completed. This note can be used if the client disengages from treatment.

  • You can only create a discharge note for clients that do not have future appointments.

  • Discharging a client archives them.

Add a note to a client chart

A note can be added to a client chart when submitting an invoice for an appointment or directly via the client's chart. If you've already submitted a note about the appointment via the client's chart and opted to submit the invoice later, submitting the invoice will auto-populate with the information from the existing appointment note.

🚨 Attention: You can edit a note's content but cannot change its type, such as Initial Assesment Note → Progress Note, once it is saved. Additionally, you cannot change it 24 hours after submitting it. Learn more about amending notes here.

Add a note via an invoice

To add a note to an invoice:

  • Navigate to Appointments via the sidebar navigation.

  • Select either the Unsubmitted or Expiring tab to review pending invoices.

  • Select the Submit Invoice option next to the desired appointment.

Access an invoice via the Appointments dashboard
  • Complete the note, then select the Submit button in the upper right.

🌟 TIP: The note type defaults to the most appropriate for the kind of appointment held, such as a Progress Note for a Follow-Up appointment. Ongoing note types, such as a Progress Note, will also auto-populate with information from your last submission to make recalling a client's progress easier.

If you need to swap the note type of the appointment, select Change template at the top of the notes area.

  • Finally, on the last screen, confirm the invoice information and select either the Submit option, which sends the invoice to the billing team for processing, or use the back arrow to leave the invoice process. Your note and invoice information are saved automatically. You can come back and submit it later.

🌟 TIP: Once you submit your notes as part of the invoicing process, you only have 24 hours to make additional changes. If more than 24 hours have passed, you must add a Chart Note addendum by following these steps.

Submit an invoice and notes

Add a note to a client chart

To add a note via a client chart:

  • Navigate to Clients via the sidebar navigation.

  • Search and select a client to open their client chart.

  • Ensure the Overview tab is selected beneath the client's name. Locate and select the Add Note option on their "Timeline."

Add a note via the client timeline
  • Select the desired note from the pop-up menu and select Next. Certain note types, such as Progress notes, must also be associated with a specific appointment to organize the client's treatment information.

Selecting a note template
  • Fill out the note details and select the action button in the upper right. Multiple versions exist based on your note type. For example, a Progress Note might say Submit or Continue to Invoice, while a Chart Note will show Submit Note, and a Discharge Summary will show Save & Archive.

🌟 TIP: Ongoing note types, such as a Progress Note, will auto-populate with information from your last submission to make recalling a client's progress easier.

  • If you selected a note type associated with a specific appointment and related to ongoing treatment, you can use the note information to submit an invoice quickly. Confirm the invoice information and select either the Submit option, which sends the invoice to the billing team for processing, or use the back arrow to leave the invoice process. Your note and invoice information are saved automatically. You can come back and submit it later.

Submit an invoice and notes

View or Edit a previous note

All saved notes are displayed in the "Timeline" section of the client's page. Individual notes are also accessible via the related appointment invoice.

View or edit via an invoice

To view or edit a note via an invoice:

  • Navigate to Appointments via the sidebar navigation.

  • Select the Past tab to review invoiced appointments (e.g., Submitted).

  • Search for and select the desired past appointment.

  • Scroll to the invoice section and select the View Note link. Multiple versions exist based on the note type associated with the invoice.

View a note via an invoice
  • After the note displays, you can view it or select Edit in the upper right to make changes. If the edit option is greyed out, too much time (>24 hours) has passed to update the note. Learn more about amending notes in this article.

View or edit via the client chart

To view or edit a note via the client chart:

  • Navigate to Clients via the sidebar navigation.

  • Select a client to open their client chart.

  • Search for and select the desired chart note or appointment note.

View a note via the client chart
  • After the note displays, you can view it or select Edit in the upper right to make changes. If the edit option is greyed out, too much time (>24 hours) has passed to update the note. Learn more about amending notes in this article.

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