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Discharge a client

Learn how to discharge a client from your practice.

Updated over 5 months ago

When it's time to discharge a client from your practice, you can note their status by adding a "Discharge Summary Note" to their chart.

Key Takeaways

  • You can only discharge clients with no future appointments. Before changing a client's status, cancel any upcoming appointments.

  • Certain payors, such as Medicaid, require a "Discharge Summary Note" to be added to a client record when discharging a client.

  • Once a client is discharged, their information is archived.

  • If additional client care is needed, you can unarchive a client.

Add a discharge summary note

To add a discharge summary to a client's chart:

  • Navigate to Clients via the sidebar navigation.

  • Select a client to open their client chart.

  • Locate and select the Add note option in the "Timeline" section.

Add a Discharge Summary Note
  • Select the Discharge summary note option from the "Note type" dropdown menu and select Next.

  • Complete each note section and select Save & Archive. If you would like to refer a client as part of their discharge, check out the additional section below for more information. This option is only available to therapists, not prescribers.

Save & Archive discharge summary notes

The discharge summary will be added to the client's chart as a timeline event, and the discharged client will now appear in the "Archived" tab of the Clients Dashboard. Once clients have been moved to your "Archived" tab, they can no longer schedule follow-up appointments with you from the archived account. To re-establish care with an archived client, update their status to unarchived.

Add a referral to a discharge

โš ๏ธ Note: All provider types can use the Discharge Summary Note and refer their clients. However, the "Referrals Provided" section of the Discharge Summary Note is only now visible to therapists.

The final step in completing your Discharge Summary Note is filling out the "Referrals Provided" section. Grow offers a multi-select list of follow-up actions to streamline the documentation process. This helps indicate how referrals are being provided to the client, meeting the aftercare plan requirements of various payors.

If you'd like to provide the client with additional Grow Therapy provider referrals:

  • From the "Referrals provided" section, check the "Grow Therapy to assist with provider rematch" box and select Save in the upper right.

Referrals provided section of a Discharge Summary Note
  • Next, you'll be redirected to the referral automation. Make your selections from the dropdown menus and review the recommendations to offer a list of referrals sent to the client via email. A video walkthrough is available here.

Refer a client to another Grow Therapy provider workflow

Unarchive a discharged client

If a discharged client requests to reinstate their care plan with you, you must unarchive them to schedule additional sessions. To unarchive a client:

  • Navigate to Clients > Archived via the sidebar navigation.

Access your archived client list
  • Select the client to open their client chart.

  • Select Actions in the top right > select Unarchive client

Unarchive a client preview
  • The client is once again listed under the All Active tab.

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