Grow Therapy providers have complete control over which insurance companies they want to accept. You can view and edit these settings in your provider portal.
⚠️ Note: A provider must be credentialed with an insurance company to turn the referral preferences related to that company's customers on or off. For more information, check out this guide on how to check the status of your credentialing applications.
View or edit your settings
Video Walkthrough
Written Walkthrough
To manage your referral preferences in your provider portal:
Log in to your provider portal.
Select your name in the bottom left and select Edit profile.
Under the "Appointments" header, select Referrals & Payors.
From the "Payors" section, scroll down to locate "Active enrollments."
From here, confirm your preferences by toggling each payor on or off in the "Accept clients?" column. Toggling a payor off does not impact current clients with that payor, only newly registering clients.
The "Active enrollments" section lists all of the insurance companies you can currently accept. For more information on in-progress enrollments, see this guide.
⭐️ TIP: Grow Therapy accepts most major plans, including Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and United Healthcare. Additional insurance partners are being added frequently, so please review the "Find a therapist by state" section of the Grow website or contact support for more details.
Preview the client's experience
If you're interested in reviewing how your referral preferences are shown to prospective clients, you can:
Select the Dashboard option from the sidebar.
Locate the "Your Practice" section and ensure New Clients is selected.
Select Copy Link next to your unique booking URL.
Copy the link into a new browser tab, scroll down to locate step three in the booking form, and review the options in the Carrier Name dropdown menu.
If you're licensed in multiple states, scroll down to the "Client's residential address" section to further narrow the carrier availability by state.