When syncing your calendar with your Grow Therapy portal, specific settings set via your connected calendar will directly impact how Grow interprets events, such as busy or available. This guide will cover common troubleshooting tips and tricks if you're encountering unexpected event behavior(s) for your synced calendar(s).
π TIP: Calendar troubleshooting is best performed from the desktop (e.g., Mac or PC) using the Chrome browser.
Compare the calendars
To confirm your calendar events are syncing correctly to your Grow Therapy portal:
Start by opening one browser window with a weekly view of your connected calendar and a separate window with the weekly view of your Grow Therapy calendar. From here, compare the events side-by-side.
π TIP: In this example, events from the dark green Google calendar, "Family," are not populating as synced events on the Grow Therapy calendar.
From your Grow Therapy calendar, select Manage availability > Synced calendar.
Confirm the secondary calendar's name is selected.
Select the checkbox to the left of the calendar's name and select Save & close.Β Refresh your browser to confirm that the events successfully transferred to your Grow Therapy calendar, as seen below. In this example, the August 7th event now appears as a synced calendar event after completing these steps.
Review event details
Confirm calendar events are marked as 'Busy'
If an event is not transferring to your Grow calendar, confirm the events on your connected calendar(s) are marked as 'Busy,' as seen in the example below.
Out-of-office events
Events marked as 'Out-of-office' may not transfer seamlessly to your Grow Therapy calendar. Try changing the event's type from 'Out-of-office' to a regular 'Event' and mark the event 'Busy.'
Multi-day events
A multi-day event marked as 'Busy' can block your entire Grow Therapy schedule for the duration of the event. If this is the intended outcome, great! If you want to avoid the multi-day event impacting your Grow Calendar, ensure the event is marked as 'Free.'
Additional support
After reviewing this guide, if you are still experiencing issues with events not transferring between your connected calendar and Grow Therapy, please contact the provider support team using the Help Widget. An agent will work with you to resolve the issue. Be prepared to describe the error and provide screenshots, as agents cannot access your personal calendar(s).
Capture a screenshot
To expedite your support experience, provide a weekly view of your connected calendar via desktop. Include any sub-calendars, typically found in the left-hand side panels. This information allows the support agent to compare the details of your calendar with the information synced successfully to your Grow portal.
To capture a screenshot via desktop (preferred method), review these additional instructions: Chromebook, Mac, and Windows.