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Overview of the calendar

Learn about the various features and functions of your Grow Therapy calendar.

Updated over 10 months ago

The Grow Therapy calendar allows you to manage your appointments and block unavailable times, including out-of-office messaging. The calendar is integral to your practice, so it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the various features.

How to access your calendar

Your calendar is available via the Appointments dashboard. The toggle in the upper right lets you switch between the default calendar view and the alternate list view.

View appointments in Calendar View

How to filter your calendar

By filtering your calendar, you can customize the view of your upcoming appointments. You can locate your current view setting(s) above the calendar, next to the Manage Availability button. Select your preferred view by selecting Day, Week, Work Week, or Month from the drop-down menu, as shown below.

Filter the calendar view

How to review your calendar events

Events in the calendar view are color-coded. Yellow 🟑 represents intake (first) sessions, green 🟒 represents follow-up sessions, purple 🟣 represents busy events from your synced calendar, orange 🟠 represents a conflict between two existing events, gray πŸ”˜ represents unavailable, and white βšͺ️ is available. More details are available below.

List of calendar event types

Yellow 🟑 Intake (First) Appointment

When a client schedules with you for the first time, the session is yellow to indicate it's an intake session.

Green 🟒 Follow-up Appointment

Any follow-up sessions with clients are colored green.

Purple 🟣 Synced Calendar Event

All events on your synced calendar are shown as "synced calendar events." This helps ensure you remain aware of all your Grow Therapy appointment bookings while preventing unwanted double bookings. Any appointments or events on the synced calendar will appear unavailable on your Grow Therapy calendar.

Orange 🟠 Conflicts

You may notice appointments outlined in orange. This means there is a scheduling overlap that needs your attention.

Gray πŸ”˜ Unavailable Time

This is time outside of your selected scheduling preferences or time you've manually marked as unavailable by adding a busy block. While clients see this as "unavailable" on their end, you, as the provider, can schedule during these times.

White βšͺ️ Available Time

This time is within your selected scheduling preferences and is listed as "available" for clients scheduling from their end.

How to add appointments to your calendar

  • Select Appointments on the sidebar navigation. Use the toggle at the top-right of the screen to switch to Calendar View.

  • Select + Add in the upper right and select New Appointment.

Create an appointment using the calendar view
  • Make your desired selections for the date, time, location, and frequency of the follow-up appointment(s). Select Does not repeat from the πŸ” drop-down menu if you don't want to create recurring appointments. Alternatively, select an appointment time directly on the calendar and then adjust the appointment details via the prompt.

Creating an appointment directly on calendar
  • Select Submit, and the appointment will populate on your calendar. You and the client will receive an email notification with the newly scheduled appointment(s) times.

How to add a busy block to your calendar

If you'd like to include times of unavailability in your calendar, you can add busy blocks directly to your Grow calendar to prevent clients from booking during these times.

To add a busy block to your calendar:

  • Navigate to the Calendar view.

  • Select + Add in the upper right and select Unavailability.

  • Select the time, repetition, and optional title of your busy block. Select repeat πŸ” if you want to create a recurring block, such as a lunch, during the same day and time.

Add a busy block to your calendar

If you'd like to review all options for blocking times on your calendar, please see this additional resource.

How to edit events on your calendar

To edit an appointment via the calendar view:

  • Navigate to Appointments via the sidebar navigation.

  • Switch to the Calendar View using the toggle on the top-right of the screen.

The appointment calendar view
  • Select the appointment you want to edit to open the appointment details sidebar and select the Edit Appointment button.

Edit an appointment via the calendar
  • Make the desired changes to the date and time and select Save Changes.

  • If this appointment is in a recurring set, you will be prompted to edit "Only this event" or "This and all following events."

Recurring appointment edit options
  • You and the client will receive an email confirming the new appointment time.

Appointment change confirmation

Edit an existing block of unavailability on your calendar

To edit existing blocks of unavailability, also known as busy blocks, on your calendar:

  • Visit your Calendar.

  • Select the busy block you need to edit to view its details.

  • On the pop-out menu, make the desired changes and Save Changes.

Remove busy blocks from your calendar

To remove blocks of unavailability, also known as busy blocks, from your calendar:

  • Visit your Calendar.

  • Select the busy block you need to remove to view its details.

  • On the pop-out menu, select the Remove from Calendar button.

How to cancel an appointment

To cancel an appointment directly from your calendar:

  • Visit your Calendar.

  • Select the appointment you'd like to cancel to open the appointment details.

  • Select Cancel Appointment from the pop-out menu in the details view. A separate tab will open to a form that documents the reasons for the cancellation.

  • A confirmation screen will populate with the appointment details. You and the client will receive an email notification about the cancellation.

Appointment change/reschedule form

Cancellation confirmation message
  • Depending on the reason for the cancellation, the client may receive an email with a link to reschedule a session with you directly.

How to resolve a calendar conflict

If calendar events overlap, you'll notice the Resolve Conflicts button appears near the top right corner of the calendar, and an orange bar highlights the appointments in conflict, as shown by the two arrows in the image below.

Resolve calendar conflicts

If you click the Resolve Conflicts button, a pop-up menu will show you which appointments conflict and for what times. This button will disappear once you have adjusted these appointments so they no longer overlap.


Can I change the appointment type once it's scheduled?

No. The appointment type(s) displayed on the calendar cannot be changed. For example, suppose a client cancels their intake appointment instead of rescheduling it. In that case, you can always bill and document for an intake appointment even if the calendar displays the appointment in Green 🟒 as a follow-up.

I have an emergency and need to cancel my appointments in bulk.

If you are experiencing an emergency, you can cancel your appointments in bulk through the cancellation workflow.

  • Navigate to your Appointments tab in the sidebar menu.

  • Select the first appointment you need to cancel. Proceed to cancel the appointment as you would normally. A separate tab will open to confirm your cancellation.

  • Select "I have an emergency" from the first drop-down menu, then select the number of appointments you'd like to cancel from the subsequent menu.

  • Next, add an optional personalized note for your clients that will be visible in their cancellation emails.

Cancel appointments in bulk preview
  • On the next screen, you will receive a confirmation that your referrals have been turned off and that a grey busy block has populated your Grow calendar for the timeframe you selected.

Appointment(s) canceled confirmation
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