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Activate your client portal

Learn how to activate your client portal after booking your first appointment.

Updated yesterday

Activating and using a client portal is essential in managing your care while seeing a Grow Therapy provider. Using the client portal, you can quickly and securely message your provider, join your telehealth sessions, and access support resources.

Key Takeaways

  • To create a client portal, you must book a full-length appointment. A consultation with a provider is not considered an appointment.

  • To activate the portal, you must use the email you provided when booking your first appointment. Once your portal is activated, you can change your preferred email address in your account settings.

  • If you have multiple providers during your journey with Grow, utilizing the same email address to book appointments throughout will save all appointment information in one portal.

Activate your client portal

After booking your first appointment, you'll receive a confirmation email at the provided address. Locate this email to start the process.

  • Open your appointment confirmation email.

  • Locate and select the "Login to my portal" option.

Create a client portal email preview
  • This action will redirect you to the client login screen. To activate your account, select the "Activate your account" option next to the "First time here?" text.

First time client portal activation message
  • Selecting this link will allow a new prompt titled "Activate Account" to populate for you to complete.

Activate account - Client Portal log in process
  • From here, you can create a login using a username and password or continue the verification process with Google if you have a Gmail account.

Choose your login method

Please select the method you'll use to log in to your client portal from now on. With either method, you must use the email you used to book your initial appointment.

Log in using an email and password

  • Fill in the appropriate fields to create a login using an email and password on the account creation page.

  • Select Activate Account.

  • A verification email will be sent to the email address you entered. This link will expire within one hour, so it's helpful to be logged into your email and ready to locate your verification email.

Verify your email address
  • Once you select the "Verify my account" option, your browser will open a new tab to confirm your email verification.

Email successfully verified client login
  • Great! You can now log in to your client portal.

Log in with Google

  • From the Create an account page, select the "Sign in with Google" option.

  • Select the email account you used to book your appointment.

  • You will be asked to permit Grow Therapy to sign in using Google.

  • Click Continue, and you will automatically be signed into your new client portal.

Sign in to Grow Therapy using Google


How do I use the client portal?

A client portal usage guide is available here.

How do I change the email address I use for my portal?

Once you've created your client portal, you can request a one-time change to your login email from the Account dashboard under the About Me tab.

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